Magnetic North Pole Expedition

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To succeed a polar expedition requires strength, endurance and perseverance.  Good nutrition become of outmost importance.

Did you know that food brings the energy the body requires to function?  It is called ? Calories ?.  The more calories there is in one food, the more energy it gives.

This energy is used to fight the coldness of the Artic; Pierre and Bruno are continuously in a cold environment, from sunrise to sunset.  Even during the night they spend energy to keep warmed.

Pierre and Bruno have to haul more than 300 lbs each!  That requires a lot of calories also.

To figure out how much calories or food they have to consumme, lets give an example.  An young lad of 9 to 10 school needs about 2000 calories a day.  Pierre and Bruno will eat more than 6 000 calories, which is 3 times what you eat per day!!!

When you think that they have to carry their food for the next 60 days, all this takes a lot of volume and brings a lot of weight in their sled.  There is one solution : freeze-dry almost everything. 

This technique removes almost all the water contained in food products, which in turn, reduces a lot the weight and volume of their food.  It is called ? freeze-driing ? since the food stuff is placed in a very cold freezer prior to being dried.  That way, the food keeps all the vitamines, all its flavor and a good texture after it is being cooked in water.  All their food is now dried or in powder :  they just have to add boiling water, wait a while and it is ready! It is as simple as to add hot water to your favorite hot chocolate!

An expedition as Pierre and Bruno?s requires an excellent planification : supermarkets and convienience stores are very far away!

Bon app?it Bruno and Pierre!

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Medias / Press: Pierre Ratelle